Occupational Therapy Teletherapy Services
Teletherapy may be a flexible service delivery option for your child and your family:
If your child has sensory sensitivities that make travel and/or attending clinic based therapy difficult,
If funding is limited for a therapist to travel to your home,
If there are no services offered in your area,
Or if there are extensive waitlists to services in your area.​​
To read the benefits of Teletherapy as described by Occupational Therapy Association, click here.
We have been providing teletherapy services across Australia for the last 3 years. Visit our Homepage to explore areas that we can assist your child to further develop their skills. Visit our About Us page to learn more about the therapeutic approaches that we specialise.
Paediatric Assessment Teletherapy Services
We offer services that can assess your child's gross and fine motor skills, visual perception skills, handwriting skills, social skills, sensory integration and level of independence in their everyday activities. The assessment process is conducted over 2-4 sessions depending on your child's individual needs and your families unique situation. This includes information gathering discussion/s with parents or caregivers, completion of standardised assessments, parents/caregiver questionnaires and clinical observation session with your child that informs the written report
Assessment Teletherapy Fee
Occupational Therapy assessment session fees are 75 minutes, that includes 60 minutes of teletherapy consultation and 15 minutes of clinical documentation, equalling a total of $242.48. The fees are based on the standard Occupational Therapy NDIS rate of $193.99 per hour.
Teletherapy Intervention Sessions
We offer a range of intervention activities that support the development of your child's skills that includes:
Social Skills: online activities, videos and boardgames,
Gross Motor Skills: rhythmic movements, primitive reflexes and functional movements,
Fine Motor Skills: playdoh, theraputty, craft, duplo and lego,
Executive Functioning Skills: participating in intervention activities and schedule planning.
What to Expect
An email with the Zoom link and session plan is sent out the week before the appointment.
Any additional resources required, will be discussed with parents or caregivers before the next appointment.
Teletherapy Intervention Fee
Interventions sessions are weekly or fortnightly, with the duration of therapy session being 45 or 60 minutes.
Intervention session fees are at the standard NDIS rate of $193.99 per hour, plus 15 minutes of clinical documentation.
Customised Functional Paediatric Assessment
We offer customised paediatric functional assessments that are tailored to your child's needs which includes standardised and non-standardised assessments, analysis of assessment results and a comprehensive report documenting the challenges that your child and family experience, due to changes in your child's circumstance and /or support needs.
As a specialised paediatric service, our focus is on therapeutic intervention, therefore we are unable to assist with NDIS eligibility, equipment prescription, home and car modifications, and applications for independent living options and individualised living options.
Get in Touch
Connect with us to start working together on solutions that support your child and your family.